10 Job Search Strategies for

Recent Graduates


Connect with alumni, academics, and experts in your field to discover untapped work prospects.

Online Job Boards

Use platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Perpetualjob.com to look for entry-level jobs.


Internships provide significant experience for improving your CV and increasing your chances of landing a job.

Career Fairs

Attend career fairs to meet recruiters and find out about job opportunities in your preferred field.

Professional Associations

Join industry groups for access to job listings, events, and networking opportunities.

Create a strong online presence with a professional LinkedIn profile and a personal website.

Personal Branding

Informational Interviews

Conduct informative interviews with professionals to learn more and develop your network.

Volunteer Work

Volunteering with relevant organisations or initiatives will allow you to get experience and exhibit your talents.

Job Shadowing

Shadow professionals in your selected sector to obtain hands-on experience and insight into the work.

Skill Development:

Continuously improve your skills via online courses, seminars, and certifications.